
Implementation of PDCA cycle on 9-10/5/2024 in HCM

Implementation of PDCA cycle on 9-10/5/2024 in HCM

Are you wondering how to make specific and measurable goals?
Do you want to know how to make a detailed plan to process goals?
Do you want to be able to control progress of the project clearly?
Have you been able to timely find out action to improve situation in order to achieve the goal and plan?

PDCA is a method which helps you to make the specific plan to meet goals (Plan); how to proceed with the plan (Do) and control the implementing process (Check) and after that, you can improve and make the next action steps (Action). The course could provide you not only the meaning of PDCA but also specific practical activities to apply to the reality of work.


Basic logical thinking on 25-26/4/2024 in HN

Basic logical thinking on 25-26/4/2024 in HN

You might hear about Logical Thinking, but do you truly understand what logic means and how to logically think and communicate?
When you present the report, your superior often does not understand what you want to say, and take a lots of time to ask you questions and report to be revised many times?
When solving problem, you don’t know where to start, how to find out the root causes, or the solution you suggested is not approved because of lacking the basic logic?

By improving your logical thinking, you cut down 10 minutes of ineffective communication with your superior each day, then you can save more than 2000 hours per year. In addition, we believe logical thinking is a basic foundation for you to improve your capacity and your skill further


Basic logical thinking on 25-26/4/2024 in HCM

Basic logical thinking on 25-26/4/2024 in HCM

You might hear about Logical Thinking, but do you truly understand what logic means and how to logically think and communicate?
When you present the report, your superior often does not understand what you want to say, and take a lots of time to ask you questions and report to be revised many times?
When solving problem, you don’t know where to start, how to find out the root causes, or the solution you suggested is not approved because of lacking the basic logic?

By improving your logical thinking, you cut down 10 minutes of ineffective communication with your superior each day, then you can save more than 2000 hours per year. In addition, we believe logical thinking is a basic foundation for you to improve your capacity and your skill further


Introduction to Japan’s lean manufacturing system - Monozukuri

Introduction to Japan’s lean manufacturing system - Monozukuri

Have been wondering: Despite working for many years at a Japanese factory, do the field leaders or managers really understand the essence of the production management tools that are being applied at the factory?
You often hear about the Lean Manufacturing System or the Toyota Production System, but what does this system actually consist of? Is it being applied at your factory and is it achieving the expected results?
How to evaluate if the ongoing improvement activities are effective and fully implemented?

The course will provide production managers or quality managers with a general understanding of the Lean Manufacturing System, to support managers in understanding the essence and effectively applying/improving the methods and tools of Lean Manufacturing at their own factory.